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Presenting our crowdfunding at Linda Rama

Next Thursday 27th of April is the presentation of Versogramas’ crowdfunding campaign. It will take place at Linda Rama, a bookstore-cafeteria specialized into poetry, located at Puerta de Aires Street, number 4 (A Coruña)

We invite you to know all the details about the crowdfunding campaign of Versogramas, the first documentary on the international videopoetry scene, produced by Esferobite.

We will speak about the videopoets that will be interviewed in the documentary, we will explain all rewards, we will examine how Verkami works and we will tell you all details you might want to know about the project.

Besides, we will screen some videopoems. You can be the first to watch some of the videopoems that will be part of the documentary!

To present the project we will count with Esferobite directors and producers Juan Lesta and Belén Montero and producer Celia Parra

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Remember that, if you can’t assist but want to support the project anyway, there are two things you can do:

  1. Contribute with your pledge, if you haven’t done it already, to get one of the original rewards we offer.
  2. Share the link among your friends. The more we share the project, the easiest we will reach the goal.

After the first week of campaign we reached more than 30% of our objective, but we still need your collaboration to make Versogramas a reality.

Thanks a lot!